This is a great Agricultural business idea that can turn your waste to a lot of Fortune and fetch you extra money .To produce this fertiliser is very easy.
The Rabbit’s urine is put into a 25 litre container and mixed with 500 ml drops of sugar fluid, 240 ml of EM4 (bacterial decomposition), and also add one litre of water of thick rice washing( If you wash broken rice with water,the resulting suspension which is milky suspension is the rice washing ) or 100g of corn starch in one litre of water, corn starch mixture to help feed the micro-organisms..Then seal the container , but the lid is perforated and attached with a hose.In order for the fluid of fertiliser fermentation to remain sterile, the hose is dipped into a bottle filled with water.The fluid of fermented urine should be stirred at least once a week to dissolve evenly and not precipitate.After three weeks,this liquid will change its colour and smell.The colour will change to black, and smells like wine, not urine smell anymore.For fertiliser application to crops, the ratio is1:10, ie 1 litre fertiliser mixed with 10 litres of water for foliar application or fertigation in drip irrigation systems.In the early stages of fermentation, a mixture of rabbit’s urine with other materialsproduces a stinging smell due to the release of ammonia gas during decomposition.In order not to disturb other people, the container containing urine fermentation is stored in a place far from human, so the stinging odor produced is not smelt.Organic contents in the process of rabbit’s urine fertiliser are the substances needed to fertilise the soil, which are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium.These are substances that can improve the structure of soil nutrients and organic matter, and keep a good number of micro-organisms in the soil.Thus, the plants will grow quickly, it also reduces pests and plant diseases.But more importantly than that, it is an eco-friendly fertiliser and causes no harm to the environment (it's a green initiative) .The money needed for producing 50 litres of this organic fertiliser is relatively cheap.Rabbit’s urine purchased from rabbitbreeder at a price of (USD 0.16 around 50naira) per litre,if you have a rabbit farm you'll tap urine from your own farm.Other materials used are also relatively inexpensive: EM4. (USD 1.4 around 400naira) per litre, sugar drops/molasses (USD 0.32) per 1.5litre.Less then(USD 55.6) to make 50 litres offertiliser.Go on and start your own agribusiness by producing Bio-fertiliser from Rabbit urine!
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